[Art journal] Whimsy girl

Inspired by a workshop with Petra Stein @ Mixed media art club Holland


  1. Wonderful journal page! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Gorgeous...love that face!!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. OH my - she is beautiful. Your pages fit together so well - really lovely

  4. pretty amazing, friend.....you go, go, go!

  5. Just in case you don't see the reply I left on my blog post, I want to make sure this reaches you this time. THANK you thank you THANK you! Yes, I received your gorgeous, intuitive gift and it's displayed still front and center in my everydayness and makes me deep down glad. I love it and thank you
    so much for the encouragement that it was, that is is. Still singing to me sweet and low and strong:)

    I don't know where the other thank you's have gotten lost but I'm sorry you didn't see and know already how much your gift strengthened my wings.

    Much, much, MUCH thanks:)

    1. Found them as we speak! So happy it arrived. <3
      Sending you an answer at your blog! xxxx


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