Purple Shades {August Break}

My skin has been marked with light-blue spirals
Going inwards, outwards, starting, taking a hold
I remember writing stories with a Celtic twist
About ruins and beautiful gardens
Adventure and being kissed
(Well, almost that is)
Then that split second of a pause
before everything tumbles
Down deep below the earth, following the movement
Until it's reborn.

I have been able to share the {original} story with many people,
still proud because it hit the 3rd place in a writing contest
This month it's 6 years ago I had this dream,
So I felt the need to contribute a new piece of art for it,
with a few words from the present me.


I'm taking an August break for the whole month, trying to create photoetry (pictures + poetry) although English is not my main language. You're free to correct grammar or give constructive comments. Image: Mixed media painting on canvas, inspired by a dream from 2007 and hypnagogia artwork from a few months ago.


  1. Beautiful piece, love the color and texture! <3

  2. Very interesting, inspiring and creative blog. You are so talented and beautifully gifted. Stay creative. Love and blessings to you and thank you for sharing

  3. OOOooooh the color and texture here are delicious!

  4. so very beautiful Lindsay-the art and the poem. I look forward to seeing your future creations you make whilst on break. Happy PPF!

  5. Very nice. I love the mingling of words and visual art. Great color and texture.

  6. your writing takes me places
    in vivid color....thank you:)

  7. congratulations on your beautiful writing.
    your textured piece is lovely as well.
    enjoy your august break.

  8. Love the color and texture in your artwork! The writing is interesting and it would be great to look/read your photoetry! Have a creative break!


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