Inspiration card swap (Second edition)

Last year in March I've joined a inspiration card swap for the first time. Here you can see the making of my cards and here the cards I've received from 52 different artists. In December I joined the swap again and used different techniques to create my cards:

Materials used are: a 52 playing cards deck, paper towels, quotes printed out on red paper, acrylics, red ink and neo green spray paint. This is the deck I received with one of my own cards included:

I'm thinking about publishing a card every now and then and give credit to the artist, so you can get to know them too. With 2 decks, I now have a total of 104 different pieces of artwork and this is how they look like all together, first and second edition:

I've done many swaps now, creative and non-creative and I want to encourage ever reader of trying it out too. I think duo swaps, especially if you know each other (from blogging or even real life) can be this much fun too so if you are in for a swap like this one, let me know! 

Interesting links:
In Search of Dessert (the swap organizer)
A Desire to Inspire (based on the idea in this book)


  1. there is something so yummy
    about bite sized little bits of art
    that you can hold in the palm of your hand.
    and i love your box for keeping the treasures.
    gives me a little rush of inspiration:)
    hugs and thanks,

  2. Hi, Lindsay. I've been participating in some swaps recently as well and I really do love it. In fact, I'm planning to participate in the next card deck project at In Search of Dessert. (I believe it's in February.) I can't wait! I love the vibrant colors you used on your creations. Just beautiful.

  3. What a lovely collection! I love it that you keep them in a treasure chest. :)


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