Inspiration cards: 52 artists.

Today I am blessed with very delicious mail art:
52 inspiration cards
from 52 artists all over the world.

This is a part of the inspiration card swap, organised by Jess, who was inspired by the book "Desire to Inspire". For this project everyone who joined, had to create 52 inspiring cards and send them to Jess, so she could create new decks with other cards and ship a deck back.

Aren't they beautiful?

Click here if you want to see my work in progress.
Or visit Jess her blog to see the person behind the project.
The artists of the images above are: Grace, Dale Anne & Deedee Forrester 


  1. You should have a card from me in there somewhere :) Can't wait to get my inspiration cards too! They look beautiful!

  2. Ahhha! Found it! :)
    I have the card "Kindness", so beautiful Nicole!


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